Employment For 1992 - 1998 Time Series

Enterprises by Economic Activity and Size Group of Employment
Paid and Unpaid Employees by Economic Activity and Size Group of Employment
Employees by Governorate, Nationality and Sex
Employees by Economic Activity, Nationality and Sex
No. of Paid Employees by Nationality, Sex and Educational Qualification (Secondary or Less by Specialization)
No. of Paid Employees by Nationality, Sex and Educational Qualification (Intermediate Diploma or Higher)
No. of Paid Employees, Total Cash Paid and Average Monthly Wages Per Employee in the Reference Month by Major Occupation Group and Sex
No. of Enterprises, No. of Paid Employees (Secondary or Less), Total Cash Paid and Average Monthly Wages Per Employee by Economic Activity and Sex
No. of Enterprises, No. of Paid Employees (Intermediate Diploma or Higher), Total Cash Paid and Average Monthly Wages Per Employee by Economic Activity and Sex
Graduate Employees by Educational Specialization, Sex and Economic Activity
Employees and their Compensation by Economic Activity in the Reference Month
Employees and their Compensation by Economic Activity During the Year of Survey